How to Make Homemade Kajal: A Step-by-Step Guide

Kajal, also known as kohl, is an important part of traditional Indian makeup. It is used to enhance the beauty of the eyes and has been used for centuries. Although kajal is widely available in the market, many people prefer to make their own at home. Homemade kajal is natural, free of chemicals, and easy to make. In this article, we will share a simple and easy recipe to make homemade kajal.


  • – Cow ghee (clarified butter)
  • – A small earthen lamp or a diya
  • – Cotton wick
  • – A silver plate or a stainless steel plate
  • – A clean spatula


Step 1: Take a small earthen lamp or diya and fill it with cow ghee. Cow ghee is preferred as it is pure and has medicinal properties that are good for the eyes.

Step 2: Place a cotton wick in the ghee and light it. Allow the wick to burn until the flame dies down on its own.

Step 3: Once the flame is out, use a spatula to carefully remove the soot or residue left behind by the wick.

Step 4: Now, take a silver or stainless steel plate and place it over the earthen lamp or diya. The plate should fit perfectly over the lamp and should not wobble.

Step 5: Allow the plate to cool down for a few minutes. Once it is cool, carefully remove it from the lamp.

Step 6: You will notice that the plate has a thin layer of black residue on it. This residue is the homemade kajal.

Step 7: Use the spatula to scrape off the kajal from the plate and transfer it to a small container. Your homemade kajal is ready!


  • – Make sure the plate is clean and free of any dirt or oil before placing it over the lamp.
  • – Use a cotton wick that is free of any chemicals or dyes.
  • – If you don’t have an earthen lamp or diya, you can use a small stainless steel bowl or an old makeup container.
  • – Store the homemade kajal in a clean, airtight container to prevent it from drying out.


Homemade kajal is a natural and chemical-free alternative to commercial kajal. It is easy to make and can be prepared in the comfort of your home. The ingredients used in this recipe are natural and safe for the eyes. Give this recipe a try and enhance the beauty of your eyes with this traditional Indian makeup item.

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